Did you suffer injuries or health complications caused by medical malpractice? You trust your doctors and other healthcare providers to improve your health. When they cause you harm, you deserve to seek compensation and accountability for the losses you incur due to their wrongful actions. The medical malpractice attorneys of Bullock Legal Group can advocate for your rights and help you pursue justice.

Since our founding, we have worked tirelessly to earn a reputation for providing aggressive legal advocacy and compassionate client services. We fight to protect your rights and provide the support you need as you physically and emotionally recover from life-altering injuries or medical complications.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries or health complications due to negligent medical care, you are entitled to pursue compensation and justice for the harm you’ve suffered. Let the medical malpractice attorneys of Bullock Legal Group help. Contact us for a free initial consultation with our experienced team. 

Why Choose Bullock Legal Group for Your Medical Malpractice Case?

If you were harmed due to negligent medical care, you may have the right to pursue financial relief and accountability from those who injured you. A medical malpractice attorney can assist you with your claims, but how do you choose the right one? Victims of medical malpractice from across the country have turned to Bullock Legal Group for aggressive legal advocacy combined with compassionate client services. Clients choose our firm because of our:

  • Technology-driven approach to legal representation – We leverage technology to modernize our legal services and assist our clients in an intelligent, innovative manner.
  • Female-led legal team – As mothers and attorneys, we take great pride in representing women, children, and minorities who have suffered harm due to the negligence or fault of other parties.
  • Extensive experience in medical malpractice claims – Our attorneys have over 40 years of combined legal experience holding negligent healthcare providers accountable for harm innocent patients suffer.
  • Proven track record of success – Our lawyers have worked on some of the most complex cases in the country, having recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for clients in settlements and verdicts.
  • Client-centric focus – We strive to provide clients with honest, straightforward advice and guidance as they face this difficult chapter, empowering them to stand up for their rights and interests.

Medical Malpractice Claims We Handle

At Bullock Legal Group, our medical malpractice attorneys advocate for clients’ rights, especially women and children, who have suffered harm due to medical malpractice. Reach out to our firm if you or a loved one suffered injuries or health complications such as the following:

Surgical errors

Our firm represents victims of surgical errors who have suffered injuries to internal organs and tissues or brain damage from complications from surgery. We handle cases involving surgical errors such as:

  • Wrong patient/wrong site surgery
  • Foreign objects/materials left inside patients
  • Anesthesia errors, including administering too much or too little anesthesia or administering contraindicated anesthesia
  • Failure to monitor the patient’s condition
  • Damage to internal organs and tissues from negligent incisions
  • Failure to monitor for postoperative complications
  • Surgical site infection
  • Premature discharge
  • Failure to provide postoperative recovery instructions
  • Lack of postoperative follow-up

Birth injuries

Birth injuries refer to physical trauma or damage caused by negligent actions by an obstetrician, midwife, or other healthcare providers who treat an expecting mother or attend the delivery of a child. Birth injuries can cause severe damage or health complications that can have life-altering consequences for a mother or child. Contact our firm if you or your child have suffered birth injuries such as:

  • Brachial palsy
  • Facial paralysis/Erb’s palsy
  • Cranial hemorrhage
  • Cephalohematoma
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Vaginal tears
  • Post-partum hemorrhage
  • Uterine rupture
  • Inverted uterus
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Nerve damage
  • Bone fractures
  • Jaundice

We also help victims of other medical errors, including:

Medical Malpractice Statistics

According to surveys by the American Medical Association (AMA), nearly two percent of physicians in the United States were sued in one recent year. Furthermore, about 60 medical malpractice claims were filed per 100 physicians that same year. The AMA reports that more than 30 percent of physicians have been subject to a medical malpractice claim in their careers to date.

Physicians in surgical specialties and OB/GYNs usually have the highest rates of medical malpractice claims, while doctors in internal medicine subspecialties generally have the lowest claims rates. About eight percent of general surgeons reported being subject to a medical malpractice claim in the previous year.

Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Malpractice

Patients who suffer injuries or complications after receiving medical treatment often have questions about their legal rights and options. Some of the most common questions we receive include:

Not every adverse outcome of medical treatment occurs due to malpractice. Many procedures and treatments have known risks and complications. However, when a healthcare provider renders treatment that falls below the accepted standard of care, and the patient suffers harm because of that treatment, the patient may have a medical malpractice claim. Although the standard of care differs from patient to patient, the medical profession generally defines the standard of care as the treatment decisions and actions that other healthcare professionals of similar training and experience would undertake in identical circumstances. Under this standard, the law will not hold a healthcare provider liable for treatment that other professionals would have provided in the same circumstances. Instead, a provider may have liability for treatment decisions and actions that other professionals would not undertake.

State law imposes a deadline for filing medical malpractice lawsuits. The time limit varies from state to state. Talk to a medical malpractice attorney from Bullock Legal Group about your case to learn how long you may have to file your claim. If you file your medical malpractice lawsuit after the statutory deadline, you may lose your right to recover compensation in civil court.

A medical malpractice claim can compensate you or your family for ongoing and future expenses and personal suffering caused by injuries or complications due to negligent health care. Compensation in a medical malpractice claim can include the following:

  • Costs of medical treatment and rehabilitation for the injuries or complications caused by the medical malpractice, including additional hospitalizations, surgeries, medications, and physical therapy
  • Costs of long-term care for permanent physical or cognitive disabilities caused by negligent medical treatment, including home health services, caregiver assistance, medical/mobility equipment purchases, and disability accommodations
  • Lost wages/income you incur if you need to take additional time off work to recover from injuries or complications caused by medical malpractice
  • Loss of earning capacity due to disabilities that prevent you from returning to your job or other work
  • Physical pain and emotional distress caused by your injuries or complications and subsequent medical treatment
  • Loss of enjoyment or quality of life caused by permanent scarring or disfigurement

Some people incorrectly assume that medical malpractice claims only involve doctors. Any healthcare professional may have liability in a medical malpractice claim, including nurses, physician’s assistants, pharmacists, radiology/lab technicians, midwives, physical therapists, and chiropractors.

Although we cannot predict precisely how long it may take to resolve your medical malpractice claim, various factors and circumstances will influence the duration and timeline of your case. These factors include the nature and severity of the injuries or medical complications you’ve experienced, the duration of your recovery, the amount of your financial losses, whether you suffer physical or cognitive impairments from your injuries or complications, the number of liable parties, the extent of insurance coverage, and whether you need to take your case to court and trial to recover compensation. At Bullock Legal Group, our attorneys will frequently update you on the progress of your case so you know what actions we’ve taken in your case and what next steps you can expect.

Hiring a medical malpractice lawyer to handle your claim gives you a better chance at recovering compensation for your losses. Medical malpractice cases usually involve complex evidence and legal issues. For example, your case will likely require expert testimony to establish the applicable standard of care in your treatment and explain how your healthcare provider failed to comply with that standard. An experienced medical malpractice attorney will have the resources to hire a trusted expert to testify on your behalf. A lawyer can also investigate your claim and recover valuable evidence to support your case. Furthermore, an attorney can handle communications and settlement negotiations with at-fault parties, healthcare facility representatives, and insurance adjusters, freeing you to focus on recovering from the injuries and complications you’ve suffered due to negligent healthcare.

Contact Bullock Legal Group Today

The harm caused by medical malpractice can have life-altering consequences for you and your family. You deserve to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable for your losses. Call Bullock Legal Group today at (833) 8-LEGAL-8 for a free no-obligation consultation with our experienced, compassionate medical malpractice attorneys. We can evaluate your case and explain your legal options for pursuing compensation for the harm you have suffered.

Bullock Legal Group has attorneys in:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Mississippi
  • Illinois
  • Texas
  • New Mexico
  • Washington